Friday, February 21, 2003

War: Britain and US ‘ready for war’, except me, I’m not. Between you and me, I don’t think I’m the only one who’s not ready. I haven’t a thing to wear, I think we should cancel it.
News: The new Archbishop of Canterbury Bear could be the start of a new marketing phenomenon, a bit like the current craze for Bay Bladers.
How about an Osama Bin Laden Bear, everyone will want to get him but nobody will be able to find him. We could have a Robert Mugabe Bear, nobody wants one except the French.
Motorcycling: A very intense ride to work today, most of my 50 mile journey was in a proper Dick van Dyke “cor blimey guvnor it’s a real pea souper” fog. But, suddenly out of the gloom came a beautiful morning. Then, suddenly out of the beautiful morning came another dick van Dyke pea souper.
Aaaagh!: Small boy decided that 4:00 am was a great time for everyone to get up this morning. I disagreed, but he chose not to listen. I think that mummy is in for a bad day.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Aaaaah!: If you ever want to see one of life’s simplest pleasures in progress, give a small boy a bowl of raspberry jelly and a spoon, retire to a safe distance and observe. Try not to laugh, it'll only encourage him!
Blogs: As blogger was down for most of yesterday I spent a bit of time looking at other people’s blogs, idly following links, nicking ideas etc. Here are some I liked Small Values of Cool (I have to say that, he’s my mate!), Nick Jordan (a fellow motorcyclist), Grayblog , Little Blue Fox, Snowgoon and Sashinka. This is, of course blantant linking but I have no shame.

I’ve now added comments to my blog courtesy of enetation , (donation shortly). All I need to do now is to write something worthy of comment and get someone to read it.

Monday, February 17, 2003

Aaaaah!: My little boy can now count to ten, he misses out one and and stumbles on seven, but it’s not bad for two years and two weeks old, give or take one or seven. Things like this put everything into perspective.
Congratulations: To Liz and Paul (Tom) Thomas on the birth of their baby girl Lucy Anne. Welcome to the world of parenting guys, it’s a bit like a Back to Nature but you don’t need to do quite so much babysitting. See Tom, all that eating for three paid off in the end, you do look a little sweaty in the photo though. Well done Liz, hope to see you soon.
Rant: Know what pisses me off? Chewing gum, that’s what! I’ve got some on my shoe at the moment and I’m pissed off! Perhaps that nice Mr Bush could bomb people who spit chewing gum on the pavement. Even better, perhaps Mr Blair could push some legislation through parliament, I’d vote for it and it would take our minds off the war.

We could have a chewing gum tsar/czar who would arrange crack teams of community “almost” policemen to track the little bastards down and stick the damned stuff in their hair. That’d learn ‘em!

War: Another million reasons not to go to war.

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear meeeeeee,
Happy birthday to me !