So, there I was, minding my own business, buying a new pair of trousers this afternoon when I became aware of the person next to me wandering off. I paid this little or no attention until I was enveloped in a spreading, green, putrid cloud of noxious fumes. The dirty little sod had dropped one and buggered off leaving me to take the blame. Get some medical help mate! The assistant chose that exact same moment to come and offer to assist me, "Can I help you S... Oh my god who's farted?" She didn't stay very long, in fact she took one breath and scarpered, handkerchief clamped over her nose and mouth, eyes a-streaming, the curls dropping out of her hair, towards the ladies department where things, presumably, smell a little sweeter. From now on I shall be known in some parts of Guildford as the man who cleared the mens department in Gap.
Neveratoss is innocent!