Saturday, November 08, 2003

Web building tutorials

I’ve been having a look at Cascading Style Sheets today and found this very useful site containing loads of free web building tutorials ranging from basic HTML through CSS to XML, scripting, .NET and beyond. A bit more reading and you’ll be seeing a different neveratossBlog.

Friday, November 07, 2003

The more things change

Back in the mid eighties I was on a six month training course in Bradford learning to program in RPG. We were funded by the manpower services commission to the tune of £40.00 per week. Just about enough to cover a weekly bus pass and a couple of pints on a Friday lunchtime. We used to go to a pub called The Old Crown which had entertainment laid on in the form of five fairly average strippers for a £1.00 entrance fee. They also served pints of fairly average ale for £1.00 a pint. We had some jolly old Friday lunchtimes for £5.00. Today I'm sharing my time between learning to program in Java and using a very different kind of stripper to remove paint which was probably applied long before my Bradford days.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

A quick pint…

…is good for the brain according to this article. The seven or eight pints that generally chase the first are considered to be less beneficial. But, we all know that a chicken madras, pulao rice and forty seven poppadums balance them out quite nicely, and make us attractive to the opposite sex.

Porterhouse Blog

Getting together with fellow bloggers Simon and Andy this evening for a few beers at the Porterhouse London in Covent Garden. Come and join us from around 6:30pm if you fancy a beer, we're quite easy to spot.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Basic skills

Cathy spent the morning observing a class being taught as part of her teacher training course. It was a "basic skills" course where sixteen year olds were being taught basic skills funnily enough. Basic skills like how to look something up in the Yellow Pages. Sixteen year old kids unable to use the yellow pages, what a tragedy.

The pot calling the kettle

Apparently, the Aussies think that the England team are arrogant. The AUSTRALIANS think that the ENGLISH are arrogant?

Ha fucking ha ha!

Monday, November 03, 2003

Remember, remember…

… the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot, we see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. Here in the UK we celebrate Bonfire Night on 5th November (or there about), if you want to know more, click here. We toddled along to a bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday evening with some friends. We watched the fireworks which were pretty good and then watched them light a very impressive pile of wood with a stuffed effigy on top, a bit like Iraq but without the Stars and Stripes really. Then we adjourned to the bar whilst the fire got going a bit. Three or four pints of good real ale later we strolled outside to see a fantastic fire blazing and only two people watching it. Everyone else was in the bar having seen some six hundred quids worth of fireworks go boom in five minutes. Someone spent many hours collecting the wood and building the bonfire, nobody really gave a shit. They might as well have just had a video of a bonfire in the bar.

A cowd id by dose

I've had the cold from hell for a week now. Well, not really a cold, more of a half arsed little bastard that sits just in the back of your throat making it sore. "Hi, my name is Steve and I’m a Strepsilholic". It's on its way out now, via my sinuses and good riddance to it. If only I had a permanent job, I could have taken my first paid sickie.