Saturday, November 22, 2003

Aussies take it up the 4rse

doo dah dooh dah! Aussies take itup the 4rse oh de doo dah dah dey!!!!!!!!!!

Gracious in both defeat and victory. Ya fokers!!

Friday, November 21, 2003

A classic gag

To brighten a grey, cloudy day, over there at Jannism. Keep up the good work Jann.

It's nice to see…

… a nation of great sports men and women making such a sporting gesture.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Balaenoptera omurai

Is a new species of whale which has recently been identified. I suppose that the Japanese, Norwegians and Icelanders will be wanting to harpoon them, and then eat them raw for scientific porpoises.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Telephone etiquette

Cathy always greets her friends on the phone with a cheery "Hello tart!". The other day she rang her friend Fi and gave the usual salutation. You should have heard the verbal squirming when she realised that she was talking to Fi's mother in law.

My advice in a situation like this is to carry on and pretend that nothing happened.

The positive influence of television

Sam was watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon whilst I cooked his dinner. Half way through he marched into the kitchen and demanded carrots. Nyaah, what's up doc?

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

If it ain't broke...

...don't fix it. Bollox. I have been working on a new CSS based template for neveratossBlog over the past few days. Things may go a little wierd today as I implement it, please bear with me.

Monday, November 17, 2003


Seems to be experiencing problems at the moment. Feel free to visit whatever is listed over there on the right. Hopfully, normal service will resume shortly.