Friday, May 07, 2004

Rest in peace

The world's oldest biker, Len Onslow.

Thursday, May 06, 2004


Passed the 15,000 hits marker. Thanks for all the visits Mum!

The Fawlty Factor

You know the stairs in Fawlty Towers, the ones on the landing: they don't seem to have a point other than to make everyone go, comically, up and immediately down again. Well, we have the software equivalent. We receive a term in years (eg: 20) from an external source, we then convert it to months (20 * 12 = 240) and write it to our database. It then sits there, we don't appear to do anything with it, until an enquiry function requests the information. We then convert it to years (240 / 12 = 19.99998) and pass it back. Obviously didn't read the Manuel!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Umbrellas make you stupid


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Thunder and Lightning

There's a great thunder storm in progress at the moment which leads nicely on to the neveratoss golf tip of the day…

"When playing golf in a thunderstorm, always play a three iron, even God can't hit a three iron."

One good turn deserves another

A friend said that my blog was grumpy so, here’s a nicey nice posting. Whilst at the local rubbish dump on Saturday I spotted a chap struggling to carry a large wooden door with a large glass panel in it. I offered him a hand which he gratefully accepted. The two of us had the old door in the skip in seconds and went our separate ways, happy with a job well done. Later that afternoon I was buying a parking ticket, a car stopped next to me and a lady offered me her ticket with about two hours left on it. Now, it only costs 60p to park for two hours, but the gesture was very welcome. I like to think that it was payback for helping the man at the dump. I wonder what the lady who gave me the ticket got.