Thursday, December 22, 2005

On recruitment consultants, little green men and very large, ice cold, stainless steel probes

I had a call from a rather over-enthusiastic recruitment consultant this morning. It went something like this.

"Steve, we've got this fantastic role, it looks like you would fit it perfectly. It's in London and they're paying top whack (at which point he mentioned a number which is, indeed, top whack)."

"Great!, you've got my attention, tell me more."

"I'll email the job spec and give you a call back in 20 minutes to discuss it when you've had time to read it."

"Fantastic, I'll look forward to it."


Then he dropped off the planet, the aliens probably took him away. They're going to learn an awful lot about humanity from a recruitment consultant! Hopefully it will include the best way to insert a very large, ice cold, stainless steel probe up him and his ilk!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Arbeit macht frei

I'm sitting at my desk watching an act of teamicide being committed. I'm powerless to help the hapless victims of this heinous crime. There's a bunch of blokes wandering around the office putting up motivational accessories such as six foot poster asking , "HAVE YOU GOT THE VIBE?" for fucks sake!

I find it rather bizarre and strangely absorbing to watch an organisation dragging itself, kicking and screaming, into the early 1970s.

Update: VIBE is apparently an acronym of Values Inspired By Excellence!