It stays early late round here
I'm sitting in an office on a particularly grey December afternoon here in freezing, foggy England. I'm bored beyond belief just waiting for the time to go home - when I say bored, I mean that I'm on the verge of lighting a fart just to break the monotony.
I'm surrounded by people who are all just waiting for 5:00pm to arrive, wishing that they had the cojones to light a fart. They're all desperately keen to be getting the hell out of here. It's tragic in the extreme that we have so many extremely intelligent people who are achieveing nothing, simply pressing the refresh button and waiting for the knocking off buzzer to go.
Fuck 'em, I'm off home!
I'm surrounded by people who are all just waiting for 5:00pm to arrive, wishing that they had the cojones to light a fart. They're all desperately keen to be getting the hell out of here. It's tragic in the extreme that we have so many extremely intelligent people who are achieveing nothing, simply pressing the refresh button and waiting for the knocking off buzzer to go.
Fuck 'em, I'm off home!