My alarm clock switches BBC Radio Four's Today program on at around 6:15am, I listen to it for a while before bounding, athletically, out of bed, ready to face the day (ha!). I don't listen to any music on my way to work except the beautifully conducted symphony of my Honda Fireblade's engine and the screech of brakes as I weave carelessly through rush hour traffic. We don't have music in the office, it's an insurance company for pity's sake, we're supposed to be serious. So, can anyone explain to me why the hell I have "Big Yellow Taxi" running on a continuos loop tape on Brain FM today?
Update: A lady comes to the office every morning selling sandwiches, pies, tea, coffee and light refreshments. Guess what was on the radio in her van. Yup, "Big Yellow Taxi". Perhaps whilst I was asleep an evil genius has replaced what was let of my brain with a transistor radio tuned to an easy listening station. All together now …"Don't it always seem to go, That you don't know what you've got, 'till it's gone…”