Whilst at the Java Meet on Monday evening I spent a good deal of time being baffled by Sam amongst others. I recall understanding some of what he was talking about when the subject left quantum fusion chaos theory nano-rocket meta-science. The discussion came around to web site design, CSS (the brilliant Zen Garden CSS site was mentioned) and the fact that a fine balance that needs to be maintained between design and function. The point was that a good programmer should be part engineer, part designer, part artist and part psychologist. I agree with this wholeheartedly. A lot of the software end users in my current job, and many others, are in their early twenties (young people with their loud music, firm bottoms and trendy clothes. Pah!). When you walk past their desks they invariably have a few cool web pages open (I haven't seen neveratossBlog yet but...) and they all seem to be using a music player application with flashing lights and stuff. Shiny new designer gadgets, 3G mobile phones, MP3 players, iPods and so on are all over their desks. All these have pretty well designed user interfaces. Unfortunately, the poor sods spend eight hours a day eking out a minimum wage living in front of bloody awful green screens keying boring information from even more boring pieces of paper. Don't they have a right to expect a decent user interface whilst they have their noses to the grindstone these days? These people are at the start of their careers, they'e going to change the world if we don't destroy their souls and bore the ambition out of them. So, if you have any input into designing computer applications, give the user interface a bit of thought, if you're no good at design (and you know if you are or not) find someone who is, read a book, visit some websites, look out of the window. Somebody will have to use your software one day, probably the pretty twenty year old in the accounts department (you know, the one with the nice legs/blonde hair/blue eyes/attractive mum*) and it's your choice whether she hates you or thinks that you're cool and groovy.
* - Delete as applicable.