Colonic irritation
Like Simon, I too have resolved to improve my use of punctuation marks. I don't want to claim a window seat in the pedantic ivory tower: I'm writing more since I took up blogging and feel the need to improve. An interesting side effect will be that I will be able to deliberately punctuate incorrectly, causing the pedants to stop before they correct me, wondering if I did it on purpose just for a bit of sport.
I feel that I already have a decent command of common or garden punctuation: commas, full stops and apostrophe’s (did I do that on purpose?) present me with no real problem. So, after some research, I thought that I would start by writing something demonstrating some of the correct, according to the Oxford Compact English Dictionary, uses of the colon. For example: following the phrase for example. I used one in the above paragraph between two clauses: the second of which enlarges upon or follows on from the first. Look I did it again. I also used one to introduce a list of items. A further use of the colon is to introduce a quote, so I hope that I can, as Lord Acton wrote: "Learn as much by writing as by reading".
They can also be used, as often they are, as part of the large intestine.
Blue touch paper lit, comment box open, retire to safe distance.
I feel that I already have a decent command of common or garden punctuation: commas, full stops and apostrophe’s (did I do that on purpose?) present me with no real problem. So, after some research, I thought that I would start by writing something demonstrating some of the correct, according to the Oxford Compact English Dictionary, uses of the colon. For example: following the phrase for example. I used one in the above paragraph between two clauses: the second of which enlarges upon or follows on from the first. Look I did it again. I also used one to introduce a list of items. A further use of the colon is to introduce a quote, so I hope that I can, as Lord Acton wrote: "Learn as much by writing as by reading".
They can also be used, as often they are, as part of the large intestine.
Blue touch paper lit, comment box open, retire to safe distance.