Thursday, December 29, 2005

Best Christmas present – ever!

'cept my bike when I was 12.

On every campsite in the Northern Hemisphere you will, at one stage of the evening, hear this question… "Is that one the Plough (Big Dipper)?" I have always known the answer to that particular astronomical question but to very few others. This summer I made a half baked resolution to learn my way around the night sky. As a complete surprise, Cathy bought me a beginners telescope and a bunch of books for Christmas – fantastic! Of course, I live in southern England which has been cloudy ever since. I have now resolved to learn the different types of cloud formation which should ensure clear skies for the foreseeable future.

I suspect that the next comet on a near Earth trajectory will be named neveratoss-Blog.

Of course, a quick Google yields several billion Astronomy Blogs in our Solar System alone.

That'll be 3'6" x 145cm

A guy walks into a butcher's shop, "A pound of pork sausages please." The Butcher says, "We're only allowed to sell kilos these days." The man replies, "Well, give me a pound of kilos then!"

So, I went to the shop the other morning. Cathy said, "Will you get some milk please, you know, one of those long thin pints." "Do you mean a litre?" I asked…