Thursday, February 24, 2005


I bought a 4Gb iPod Mini last week. This week comes the news that Apple are releasing a 6Gb one, vastly increasing battery life and dropping prices by £40.00. If I fell in a barrel of breasts I'd come out sucking my thumb!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


That it is customary to blog about your new iPod. So, I've got a new iPod Mini (no link, they all look the same). Now here's a technical question for all you seasoned iPodders and iPodMinniers out there. How do you get the earphones to stay in place? Mine keep falling out of my non-too-small lugholes (see the photo over there on your left) even when I'm sitting still, what chance do I have when I'm out running?

Overheard on the train

Question: What's the difference between personnel and HR?
Answer: 15k per annum.