When my wife Cathy, came home from drawing men naked last night (ask her not me), the poetry book was lying on the sofa. She had a look at the Owl and the Pussycat and asked “what’s a runcible spoon?”. I replied that it’s a nonsense poem so a runcible spoon is probably a nonsense thing like a bong tree or slices of quince. I spooned it into Google earlier and gave it a stir. It would appear that Cathy is not the only one who wants to know what a runcible spoon is, so here you go.
Friday, March 21, 2003
My little boy Sam enjoyed my recitations of “The Owl and the Pussycat” (by Edward Lear) the other evening, especially the part where “there in the wood, a piggywig stood,with a ring throught the end of his nose, his nose, his nose. ”. So, I’ve started learning the Jumblies (also by Lear) so I can recite it for him at will. It’s an absolute pleasure.
When my wife Cathy, came home from drawing men naked last night (ask her not me), the poetry book was lying on the sofa. She had a look at the Owl and the Pussycat and asked “what’s a runcible spoon?”. I replied that it’s a nonsense poem so a runcible spoon is probably a nonsense thing like a bong tree or slices of quince. I spooned it into Google earlier and gave it a stir. It would appear that Cathy is not the only one who wants to know what a runcible spoon is, so here you go.
When my wife Cathy, came home from drawing men naked last night (ask her not me), the poetry book was lying on the sofa. She had a look at the Owl and the Pussycat and asked “what’s a runcible spoon?”. I replied that it’s a nonsense poem so a runcible spoon is probably a nonsense thing like a bong tree or slices of quince. I spooned it into Google earlier and gave it a stir. It would appear that Cathy is not the only one who wants to know what a runcible spoon is, so here you go.
I added a hit counter last night courtesy of SiteMeter. I’m fairly thick skinned so if it doesn’t go up very quickly I can live with it. If you suddenly see that I’ve had 250,000 visitors today, I’ve either written something profound or massaged the numbers a bit. Make up your own minds.
Whilst adding the code I decided that I definitely need an HTML editor, a better PC and broadband. I also need to do a bit/lot of learning. I’m expecting a large tax bill soon though, so I might have to wait a while on the acquisition front.
Whilst adding the code I decided that I definitely need an HTML editor, a better PC and broadband. I also need to do a bit/lot of learning. I’m expecting a large tax bill soon though, so I might have to wait a while on the acquisition front.
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Apparently, I'm the Silver Surfer ...

Take the "Which Marvel Comics Hero are you" quiz!
via CoopBlog

Take the "Which Marvel Comics Hero are you" quiz!
via CoopBlog
Et tu Brute: My little boy, Sam, has jumped on the band wagon by saying that “Daddy a big girl”. I have no son!
Riding tip #4: When you use a dark visor always carry a spare clear one so that if you have to work a bit late unexpectedly you don’t end up riding home in double darkness, like a certain spanner who shall remain nameless.
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
So we now know the truth about George Bush. Fantastic, via GromBlog which is also fantastic.
Riding tip #3 : (best Obi-Wan Kenobi voice) “Use the force”. I had to make an unplanned detour this morning due to an accident blocking my normal route to work. Approaching the scene but before I knew it was there, I had a feeling that things weren’t quite right. You know, that ESP kind of a Spider Sense kind of a feeling. I slowed down in plenty of time to find a tailback around a blind bend where there has never been a tailback before. Then I had to navigate with only “the force” to guide me down single track country lanes for about ten miles before emerging exactly where I expected to be. (best Darth Vadar voice) “The force is strong in this one!”
I don’t want to make light of the accident by the way, it looked pretty bad. I sincerely hope that everyone made it. Riding tip #2 applies to cars as well as bikes.
I don’t want to make light of the accident by the way, it looked pretty bad. I sincerely hope that everyone made it. Riding tip #2 applies to cars as well as bikes.
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Feeling rather seedy today, unfortunately not due to not getting drunk on Guinness. I've caught the dreaded lurgy from son and or wife.
Monday, March 17, 2003
A big hello to CoopBlog, my reading public has expanded to at least two. I feel like a grown up blogger now (don’t know where I’m going to find one though). I'm gonna be famous mum!
Riding tip #2: On days like today, when your shadow is stretching out in front of you for miles, the oncoming traffic will probably be dazzled by the sun and not be able to see you.
Riding tip #1: Always wave at kids, they’re the next generation of bikers and it’s great PR with their parents.
Motorcycling, good weather and stuff: I got speed gunned on the way home on Friday, two policemen at either side of the road in the middle of a village with a 50mph limit. How fast was I doing? 47mph, Nyaaah! Mind you I always stick close to the lower limits due to having a social conscience, so it wasn’t anything special. I looked the officer straight in the eye and smiled at him, then realised that I was wearing my illegal dark visor.
I must have been the only bloke in Surrey, Sussex or Hampshire who owns a motorcycle who wasn’t out riding at the weekend. Not that I’m jealous or anything. The roads around Haslemere were chock a block with shiny sports bikes carrying even shinier riders. Where do they find clean roads? My bike’s always filthy even after a clean (which it didn’t get this weekend). There were deifinitely more bikes on the way to work this morning, I try to nod, wave or make some kind of gesture to each of them, it’s going to get a bit tiring soon. So, if you see me out on my bike and I don’t acknowledge you it’s probably due to RSI or the Gregory Peck.
By the way, big thanks to the guy on the red Fireblade in Camelsdale, Haslemere who took time to wave at my little boy (he loves bikes funnily enough).
I must have been the only bloke in Surrey, Sussex or Hampshire who owns a motorcycle who wasn’t out riding at the weekend. Not that I’m jealous or anything. The roads around Haslemere were chock a block with shiny sports bikes carrying even shinier riders. Where do they find clean roads? My bike’s always filthy even after a clean (which it didn’t get this weekend). There were deifinitely more bikes on the way to work this morning, I try to nod, wave or make some kind of gesture to each of them, it’s going to get a bit tiring soon. So, if you see me out on my bike and I don’t acknowledge you it’s probably due to RSI or the Gregory Peck.
By the way, big thanks to the guy on the red Fireblade in Camelsdale, Haslemere who took time to wave at my little boy (he loves bikes funnily enough).