I once spent several hilarious hours at a party getting hammered and making up rude words using the alphabetic FRIDGE MAGNETS. Today I found this over at D4D. Fantastic. Hours of endless fun.
No it's not Otis Reading’s little known brother. Cathy heard about this ancient art at evening class (teacher training) last night, I felt that I should share it with you.
It is most definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK, you have been warned.
…and of course the feking central heating packs up. "Your pump’s gone mate." says the engineer. "Where?" says I, "It was there yesterday." Where do things go when they go?
Me: "What does the red light mean Sammy?"
Sam: "Thtop."
Me: "What does the green light mean?"
Sam: "Go."
Me: "So, what does the amber light mean?"
Sam: "Go really really fast!"