I came across a rather good site yesterday (via
The Obvious).
Walk it helps you plan a walking route in London. Fantastic for someone like me whose preferred means of transport around our capital is "
Shanks' Pony". The site is still in its infancy but I predict good things. As
Simon points out, it’s only a matter of time before it gets snapped up by those nice boys at Google so that we can all plan a stroll from anywhere in the USA to anywhere in the USA.
I'm meeting Simon for beers this evening (join us if you like): we’ve already planned out repective routes to
The Anchor and Hope. I suspect that after a couple of pints of Wife Beater, Simon and I will be starting the initial design phase of Stagger it: a site which will plan the most indirect staggering route between two points in London, ensuring that you miss your last train home. For a small subscription fee it will also arrange for someone to spill chilli sauce down your shirt and wee on your shoes.