Smoke 'em if you got 'em
I'm pretty much anti other people's smoke. I don't care if you smoke, provided that I don't have to take part, but for pity's sake don't do a half arsed job of it. Today we went to the pub for lunch. We sat in the family room, which was reminiscent of Manchester during the industrial revolution. The culprits being a bunch of eight or so twenty somethings all pretending to smoke. You know the types; they hold their Silk cut extra milds between the very tips of their fingers at arms length. They take a drag and immediately puff the smoke away from themselves. They stub it out half way through and light the next one immediately and repeat the cycle. When I smoked, I used proper cigarettes or roll ups, lots of them. I took deep drags way down into my toes and held it there until I was blue before exhaling. I smoked it down to the filter or until I burned my fingers. I had nicotine stains, no stamina, grey skin, and smelly hair. So, the message is, if you're going to smoke, by all means smoke. But don't fek about on the edge, it won't kill you! Oh, and don't sit in the family room, it's easy to spot, there's usually a sign and a whole bunch of children eating fish fingers and coughing their guts up breathing filthy, obnoxious, poisonous, carcinogenic fumes into their pristine little lungs so that you can look grown up. You stupid, selfish, inconsiderate, ignorant little twats. And before you get on a high horse about the fact that children shouldn't be allowed in pubs anyway: they are in some so fek off to one of the many where they aren't and blow your smoke at consenting adults. Any questions?