I was overtaking a line of cars on a fast stretch of the A272 this morning, quite a common occurrence. There were two cars in front of me doing the same thing, the road conditions were great and you could see for miles. All this was happening at around 65mph. As I started to pass a small grey hatchback, the man behind the wheel decided to join in the fun and pulled out to overtake. He didn't worry about that trivial stuff, you know, mirror, signal, manoeuvre, checking that there wasn't a nice motorcyclist occupying the space where he wanted his car to be. He just turned the wheel and pulled out leaving me with a choice of brake as hard as I could or die. All he had to do was turn his big fat stupid head a little and his peripheral vision would have spotted me, he should have heard me.
I survived but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of this, it's the second time this month. So, here's the plan. If your bad driving, not looking, pissing about with your mobile phone or any other stupidity causes me to take emergency action (or worse, emergency treatment), I will find out where you live and I will eat your children you dozy bastard.
Come on folks, you are in charge of a ton of metal travelling at 65mph, now I'm no Herbert Heinstein but I know that if you hit someone with a ton of metal doing that speed you're going to kill them. Wake the fuck up!