Thursday, January 19, 2006

Communication at the speed of thought

An excerpt from an e-mail I received about a system problem yesterday.

Hi Steve,

Just speaking to Xxxxxx there and they have come through another one which has not gone through yet...

Well, I'm glad we got that one cleared up then.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I've only worked in IT for about twenty years so am still a little unsure of the jargon. If I had a mouse and then bought another one would I have: two mouses, two mice, two meeces or something else?

Update: Courtesy of my mate Norm, here's the answer.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Booooo, Hisssssss, Brainsssssssss

We took Sam to the local amateur dramatic society production of Sleeping Beauty on Friday evening. Oh yes we did! I think that we let him watch too much of the wrong kind of TV. When Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger on the spinning wheel and fell asleep for a hundred years he asked, "When Sleeping Beauty wakes up will she be a zombie?"