Friday, July 15, 2005

Just checking

The delightful Rachael Stevens, who has featured on this blog several times, talking bollocks.

via Simon

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

How did that happen?

This week is Sam's last week at nursery. He starts "big school" in a few weeks. Cathy and I are going to the "new" parent’s evening tonight to meet his teacher.

They grow up so quickly these days.


Nice idea but… erm… what's wrong with "Home" or "Mum", "Dad", "Archbishop Mikarios", "Rover", "Mistress Dorothy's Discipline Parlour"?

Shut up!

Mawkish sentimentality, to coin a phrase, will prevail on Thursday 14th July as yet another two minutes silence is observed. The major UK company I currently serve as a code monkey (Three Ringed Circus PLC) have sent around an email decreeing that we will be observing the silence blah blah blah. I firmly believe that we should remember the dead, the injured and the traumatised but; there is a day already set aside for this in everyone's calendar, a day that I have taken very seriously since being a very small boy. Funnily enough, Three Ringed Circus PLC did not bother to observe that particular day last year.