Friday, July 04, 2003

Something for the weekend Sir?

So, a rare social weekend. Simon, of Small values of visiting neveratoss and getting pissed is leaving the Big Smoke and visiting the Stock Broker Belt for the weekend. Entertainment so far will be The Petersfield Beer Festival and the Guildford Festival on Sunday (Atomic Kitten, Eurovision stars Jemini, Fish Belly White, The Androids, et al). Any Surrey, Sussex or Hampshire (or anywhere else for that nmatter) bloggers or non-bloggers out there who fancy joining us for a beer at either venue are very welcome.

Independence day fireworks

Spot the difference between this in Denver and this in Iraq.

Down with the British

Happy Independence Day to the good ol’ Yew Ess of Ay. Anyone fancy a nice cup of tea?

Motorcycling tip

When travelling on the M3 behind the all England tailgating team try not to choose the moment when all the brakelghts in the world come on to sneeze inside your crash helmet.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Had to be done...

There was a picture of Atomic Kitten here but I removed it due to slow loading.

These are handy...

Blogger blogs updated in the last ten minutes and in the last three hours. By the way, I now give good RSS, get it here whilst it’s hot. I’ll be adding a button over there on the right this evening, unless of course I get too involved in playing kicky ball and reading “The Cat in the Hat”.

I just wrote this in an email...

... if it does it worng, at least it will do it worng consistently.

Is there a name for this type of error, have I just invented the “neveratossism” or is it a neveratossology?

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Brownie points, beers in Guildford and girls half my age

We’ve got a baby sitter tonight and we’re off out for beers and stuff in the fleshpots of Guildford (BTW, are there any Guildford based bloggers out there?). Sam is undergoing a rigorous sleep deprivation program this afternoon so that the babysitter thinks that he’s well behaved and goes to bed early.

Now, I’m in serious “brownie point” credit at the moment after staying home on Monday and Tuesday whilst Cathy went to extra art classes. And she’s out again tomorrow, drawing men naked (I know, I’ve done the gag before but it is timeless!). So, a decision. Will I spend the “brownie points” getting drunk tonight or will I save for them for an affair with a girl half my age when I’m forty five?

I’m starvin’ man!

This would certainly beat the hell out of Walkers Posh Thai Chilli crisps. Now if you could buy a bag of skunk with a packet of pringles and a couple of mars bars inside, that would be progress.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

For all you car fans out there

The new Ford Pubic is about to be unveiled at the Scunthorpe Motor show. It’s the world’s first recycled car, made up of old Corsairs.

Which, I’m pleased to say links seamlessly to this article.



Trying to use the flowcharting drawing tool in MS Word. All I want some boxes and arrows, I could do it thirty seconds with Visio but I can’t have Visio in case I waste time on designing something.

Monday, June 30, 2003

A couple of gratuitous links

Nell in a state of “Andress”.

A Russian "Blair's Babe".

My work here is done

Sam (with his right index finger up his nose to the second joint) ... “Daddy, I got a bogey!”

He also says “booger” for the benefit of any Americans out there.

A productive weekend

Installed a firewall on the new PC then spent a good deal of the weekend being paranoid about the seemingly endless stream of trojans it was blocking. Luckily a colleague had warned me about this so I’ll just wory about what it doesn’t block.

Did some Java stuff, broke the compiler, fixed my source so that the complier wasn’t trying to compile garbage, started to grasp object oriented programming concepts like encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism at last.

Did some DIY in the bathroom, boxed in a load of unsightly pipes. The script could have been written by Eric Sykes (The Plank) as I constantly had my pencil and or tape measure in the wrong place. I was cutting outside on the patio (we’re posh) but fitting in the bathroom. I must have climbed the equivalent of K2 looking for my pencil. Finally I couldn’t find the damned thing at all, until I took my cap off and it fell from behind my ear.

BTW, I used to think that a productive weekend was getting rat faced on Friday, having a hangover, a fried breakfast on Saturday followed by an afternoon of drinking evening of drinking followed by a hangover, fried breakfast, lunchtime drinking and evening drinking etc.