Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well, I don't know about you lot, but I'm planning a quiet night in tonight to prepare for an alcohol fueled spree of crime and violence when compulsory 24 hour binge drinking starts here in the UK at midnight.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The cheek!

A bit controversial I know but… As well as first and standard class tickets on trains I believe that there should be skinny and fat class tickets. That way, I won't feel too cheated when the fat bastard sits on his own seat and half of mine as well. What else should we introduce tiered railway ticket pricing for?

Hey, I ordered the ravioli!

When two developers with around forty years of progamming experience between them cannot find the cause of a bug in a program due to the sheer complexity of the spaghetti; when this type of code is not an exception, but the rule – would it be considered to be bad form if those developers said, "I told you so"?