Friday, December 05, 2003

Beers my dears

Had a few pints of fine real ale with Simon last night at The Stage Door near Waterloo station. A damned fine pub with a great atmosphere. The company was good and the Abbot Ale was excellent.

We decided that we would attend Billy's Jeans drinking session tomorrow at the Shakespears Head near Holburn tube station.

I'll be polishing my drinking boots tonight.

Ding ding ding ding a long ding

It's all gone Christmassy. At work there are many decorations and Christmas music playing in the background. Still, twenty days and the Easter eggs will be in the shops. Yo ho ho!

Blogging from an interwebnetcafe

Why don't the internet cafes in Chiswick serve coffee and stuff? They're really just shops with PCs that you can use.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

It's trailing edge but it still works

I'm doing some real work today. The "apples" file has been changed to be a "bananas" file with all the associated design and functional problems associated with this kind of thing. I'm using Advantage:2e (aka Cool:2e aka Synon:2e) to do what it is good at and what it was designed to do on the iSeries, rapid changes to a suite of maintenance type programs. It's not Java but I'm actually enjoying doing some work for a change. Better have a word with myself tonight.

Update: The "Bananas" file now needs to be changed to handle "Watermelons". Ho hum!

That'll learn 'em

I'm waiting to hear from Cathy to find out how she got on this morning. She was teaching the first two hours of a four hour Graphic Design workshop to a group of sixteen and seventeen year olds as part of her teacher training course. On Friday she will be observed by her course tutor.

Personally I would rather spend the day trying to shove butter up my own backside witha red hot needle.

Update: The girl done good, all went well.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Job news

My temporary contract seems to be going well apart from the fact that I have no idea why they need me there. No net access so all will be quiet at neveratoss for a few weeks. Also, they have a strange practice of working from 9:00am to 6:00pm which means that I'll be getting home late. VERY LATE if I rely on the trains as I did last night. Clapham Junction was a complete shambles, no information, late trains, platform changes DON'T GET ME STARTED. I went on the bike today and had forgotten how dangerous London Traffic.

Still, indoor work, no heavy lifting, free coffee and good money. And they invited me to the Christmas party.

By the way, thanks to all my readers, I got my 10,000th hit yesterday.